Monday, March 3, 2014

Relaxing in the mountains.

The house we stayed at had a sign over the kitchen sink, "A day in the mountains is worth a month in the city."
We couldn't agree more and had a really relaxing weekend that we both needed. I'll never understand why many of my coworkers can't have rational discussion and have to panic about everything. Panic
We drove a lot looking at the area, properties, scenery, etc. Everything that we really liked is way out of our price range and/or part of some massive ranch that is really out of the realm of possibility.

The 'cabin' we stayed at was very warm and comfortable, a small 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house.
We noticed there weren't any fences around, unless it was a barbed wire fence. Everyone let the dogs run around for the most part but with the wildlife in the area that wouldn't work for us. Sure, there is some wind but we would still have a fence around the majority of the homestead, especially the garden.
Backing up, here are some pictures from drive there:

Saturday we drove around, a lot. We hit a foggy area that wouldn't stop (apparently a majority of the state was covered in freezing fog). We kept going and took the highway back to the house, making a full loop. We were hoping to see more of the area but the visibility was poor (20 feet at best sometimes). We took a lot of pictures when the fog lifted.
Up the road a few miles from the house we stayed at.

8 degrees before windchill

Over an inch of ice everywhere but the roads.

A few hundred feet from the rental house.

High altitude ranch property

The top of the pass on the way home

We just want something on the other side of a hill like this

Buffalo ranch

Typical landscape of the flatter portions

Large volcanic formation, nothing else like it anywhere in the area

or even some land up this little valley

Wet Mountains indeed.

We got home and unloaded but since I'm not one for sitting around, we hit Costco for some strawberries and ground beef. We had a group meeting so we made some mayan cocoa brownies and a loaf of bread was baked for the week.

We put some of the jam in the fridge for use, but that means it didn't get a chance to set very well but it still tasted amazing. Commercial places must have a foam vacuum, I don't have the patience for skimming so it does change the composition a little. It does help that I'm the only one in the house who likes strawberry jam.

The end.


  1. Nice picks; some of 'em look a lot like here, which isn't a surprise. You have more large, open areas than we do in this part of the state, but much of interior AK is very much like what you show here.

    The food looks & sounds good, too.

    1. Yes, but I'm not man enough to live up in your area, I prefer the odd weather and long growing season.
      We just want a few acres with some real trees, and perhaps seasonal water. I suppose that's what just about everyone wants.

  2. You live in a beautiful part of the country. I wish I could live out there part of the year and back here part of the year, both areas have their own attractions and it seems a shame to be missing out on one of them.
