Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

What a great country, there isn't another I would choose to live in, even if it had all kinds of nice sandy beaches and awesome scuba diving. Relax, get outside and remember we crushed the British!

We finally got some rain, what a joy. An hour of a drizzle, more than enough to make my yard happy for at least 1 day. I sat on the front porch watching it fall, watching the dogs run around dragging mud inside the house... I didn't care at all. it was 64 degrees last night, and I got down to 68 inside so I had a wonderful sleep.

I had huge plans for a nice run this morning but the area is closed and guarded with National Guard troops. I thanked them for working on a holiday and for keeping an eye on people who could easily burn the rest of the mountains down with fireworks. Half of the area around my house is closed and guarded. Fireworks are banned in the whole state but people cross state lines and buy them, and then go in the hills a few miles away and light them off. If this prevents the majority of that, I'm glad. I honestly think if we were not in severe dry conditions they wouldn't be there.

I know what some people are thinking when they see them, and I even think it as well but for now I know the area is relieved, if anything else was to burn it would be my area and we don't need to lose another 350 homes.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Independence Day, Max, buddy - i hope you have a great one! i am glad to hear that you got some rain, too!

    your friend,
