Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Winter bids a fine 'hello'!

This car went by me, an old white Chrysler something-or-other. 6 inches of snow covered the car, 2 eye holes were made in the windshield. My friends thought it was funny when I stated "that car is one shotgun away from a KKK rally". I realize it's hard to take the extra 10 seconds to increase your spook holes in your pillowcase (aka windshield), but it could just save my life.

Besides the bicycle in the middle of the road, everything is normal. Nobody thinks the painted lines mean anything when there is snow on the road, nobody thinks stop signs... oh wait, they never do anyhow.

We love and hate winter. I think the bundling up aspect is what we hate, but once it's done who cares. Rock doesn't appreciate the winter at all in the morning, at night he is fine. We went for a little hike around the neighborhood last night when I got home, he looks very handsome in his coat and ice beard. This was later in the evening, once he had thawed out.

I hit the gym after our hike, 20 minutes of hiking does get the heart rate elevated enough to consider it cardio, but I needed more;
Dead lifts: 5 sets of 5 reps @ 245 pounds
Chest fly machine: 3 sets of 10 reps @ 110 pounds
"Donkey" calf raises: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 255 pounds
Single arm cable curls, isolation: 5 sets of 10 reps @ 27.5 pounds
Overhead tricep extensions: 3 sets of 10 reps @ 22.5 pounds
60 situps
35 pushups

It's going to take another week or two to get back to previous strength levels but I'm feeling great. As long as I keep up the hikes and winter running (and keep extra food out of my mouth) I think the winter fitness will work wonders. It takes a real extra effort but I set lofty goals to help keep the motivation up. I feel a little weak in the isolation single arm and overhead stuff, but otherwise I can lift heavy things and set them back down. A lot.

I see some flags blowing from my office window. It looks cold out, and should remain so for another day before the mid 40 degree weather comes back.


  1. Alaska calling: we want our winter back.

    1. As much as I like winter, I enjoy running in shorts instead of man leggings.
