Monday, July 6, 2015

An empty grocery store

The supply system across the nation has always been touted as a just in time system with enough food for 3 days in the grocery stores (for the average number of shoppers).... or something like that. I know it was a holiday weekend but as I drove to the cabin I figured a grocery store run was in the works.
The parking lot was packed but it was Friday and there are always more people in town on the weekends and holidays. Inside the store I thought a riot had taken place, it was really empty. I'm not talking about 'a storm is coming empty', I mean empty. Nothing in the dairy case at all (milk, creamer, eggs, cheese, butter, orange juice, etc.), nothing in the bread isle (not even those cheap hot dog buns that always break apart and taste stale), almost nothing in the cookie isle, cereal isle, etc.

I actually turned on the news when I left with my nectarines in case I had missed something. It felt good knowing I didn't care that the store was down about 60% vs. normal levels. Just another reason to keep doing what we are doing because the zombies, apparently, like milk.

Father in-law fell down in the backyard the other day and laid there for a few hours until we happened by. Today he is in a care facility doing rehab and getting back on track so we can see if it's something temporary or long term. The rest of the in-laws really don't seem to care much that it's not only a huge strain on our relationship but it's costing us a lot of money. When one of us has to be there 1/2 the day, that's 1/2 a paycheck gone. It wouldn't be so bad if we were the only ones local, but 2 brother in-laws live 45 minutes and 120 minutes away. They should be proactive and coming into town every 2nd and 3rd weekend so it's not always us.... look at me asking for miracles.

Thats me on a trail at the cabin. It's called the rainbow trail but I think it was named for the colorful language... I only fell 5 times and only 3 were total wipeouts. I was very nervous and tense the whole time but the more I ride the more I'll loosen up and feel at ease. It's a lot different than running but it's going to be a great compliment to the fitness routine. I'm under 200 for the first time in years and I actually feel like more of a complete athlete than ever before. Instead of being good at heavy weights or running I'm pretty good at everything at the same time.
That's my new bike, a pivot 429SL Carbon. There were 4 of us that got sponsored but I'm the only one who wanted a 29er (I like a comfortable ride). I didn't think anything of it when I told them my current bike had 29 inch wheels and they plopped this bike down and told me to enjoy it. I have some social media and such to do now but in exchange for a $7500 bike I'm definitely getting the better end of the deal.

A lot of rain at the cabin and in town so far this year. The mosquitoes are vicious for the first time that I can remember. They just make me run (and now ride) faster.


  1. I hope your father-in-law is okay.

  2. Sorry about your f-in-law. You will reap a blessing in the end that the others won't have a clue about.

    Nice bike.

    1. Appreciate that. It's a good feeling to be the ones he relies on but sometimes we all need a break. Getting the family involved is a slow process.

  3. My mother in law has lived with us going on fourteen years, it is very hard on a relationship. And let me tell you, family will NOT help if they think you have it under control. We have had zero help from any of my husbands siblings. It usually gets dumped on the one that cares the most, and for that you are a good person.

    1. I cared for my grandparents for several years while I juggled high school and college at the same time. Now that I'm older I realize that with most things, if you don't do it yourself it just doesn't get done. The brother in-laws seem to want to help but just sit around waiting to be asked instead of being proactive.... so annoying.
